
Pick litter to keep wildlife safe

Clean up your local area today. It will help create a safer and healthier world for animals on land and in the water.

Last edited: 11/04/2024

Before you get started

Why this is important

Litter is a serious issue across the UK for many reasons and can be extremely dangerous to wildlife.

Everyday objects – such as food tins or balloons – can seem harmless but animals can become entangled, trapped or injured (see image which shows a frisbee that was removed from a seal).

Litter picking is a simple but effective way to make a huge difference, and we would love you to get involved and get outside to pick up litter.

An open loop frisbee that was removed from a seal.


Litter picking


Choosing an area and identifying risks

Choose an area for your litter pick. All litter has the potential to harm wildlife, so collecting it from a town centre can prevent it from reaching rivers and woodlands.

Remember to carry out your own health and safety risk assessment. Keep Britain Tidy’s website gives health and safety information, so we would like you to visit their website to get the most up to date and accurate information.

A person sitting in the front seat of a car, pointing at a large paper map.

Working in the area

Decide how to litter pick in your chosen spot (e.g. scan areas as you walk or set timed intervals across transects).

Remember to respect animal habitats; we want to leave them cleaner but still in tact. Allocate roles for each person litter picking (e.g., picking litter, carrying the litter, or recording information).

A woman and two children wearing a blue RSPCA bib picking litter in a residential area.

Record and reflect on your impact

Photograph interesting findings or create a before and after showcase from your litter picking site.

You could also analyse your data by counting each type of litter collected or the overall mass.

How do you think you have been able to prevent harm from wildlife with the litter you have picked?

Showcase your results and findings by creating a short report (two A4 pages) or a poster.

A man and two children in the woods, holding a clip board and pointing at a sheet of paper.

Receive your certificate

Take a photograph showing the before and after of your litter picking site, or show us the litter you have picked.

Upload the image below to receive your certificate. Share your work to inspire others and celebrate what you have achieved.

A white plastic cup being picked up off the ground by a litter picker.

Get a practical animal welfare certificate!

If you’ve just completed this activity, upload a photo and get your own animal health certificate!

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