
Ethics of farming egg-laying chickens

Discover what the print on eggs means and compare farms with caged laying-hens and farms with free-range laying-hens.

Last edited: 28/05/2024

Before you get started

Why this is important

Eggs are a staple in our diet – we use them in cooking, baking, and as a nutritious meal option. But do you know what the codes on egg cartons mean? Explore how these codes indicate the conditions in which the hens were kept and the farming methods used. Understanding these codes is crucial for making informed choices about the food we eat and ensuring better welfare for the hens.

Image of an egg with a blue arrow pointing to the red egg code.


Carrying out your project


Learn about egg codes

Carry out your own research and answer these three questions:


  1. What do the codes printed on eggs mean?
  2. What are the differences between caged and free-range laying-hen farms?
  3. What views do you have about the future of farming hens for eggs?

Write your answers and thoughts on a single A4 page.

A young child looking through a magnifying glass wearing a black top hat.

Ask other people

Use the three questions above to interview other people (we suggest a minimum of five people).


Write a summary of answers for each question on a single A4 page.

A young child writing on a sheet of blank paper on a desk.

Receive your certificate

Upload an image with your answers below to receive your certificate.

Share your work to inspire others to make hens' lives better.

A group of free range chickens in a grassy field with trees.

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