
Growing tasty herbs

Variety and flavour can make an animal's diet more enjoyable. Check if your pet can eat herbs, or see if a local animal rescue centre would appreciate a donation of cuttings for animals in their care.

Last edited: 25/03/2024

Before you get started

Check if the plant is safe

Check which herbs your animals can safely eat. If you do not have an animal that can eat the herbs you’ve grown, contact a local animal centre and see if their animals would appreciate some tasty treats.

Make sure plants are free of any chemicals to keep animals safe and healthy.


Tips and shortcuts


Grow from seeds or roots

Growing herbs from seedlings is a great way to start. You can  use household items as containers and re-pot plants as they grow.


Some plants, such as mint, can have cuttings taken from their roots. So if you have some gardening neighbours, ask if they could offer some cuttings to give you a head start.


Ready to harvest

How do you want to harvest your herbs? You might prefer to cut the entire plant from the root, while in other cases, you may want to take what you need and allow the plant to regrow.


Remember to take some time to smell and taste the herbs. Herbs are nutritious for animals, but they are also a great way to make them happier by stimulating the senses.


Receive your certificate

Take a photograph preparing your herbs, harvesting your herbs, or giving them to an animal.


Upload the photograph below to receive your certificate. Share your work to inspire others and celebrate what you have achieved.

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