
Plant trees for chickens

We hear about the benefits of planting trees for the environment and wildlife, but they're also great for chickens! Trees will give chickens shelter and help them feel safe in their surroundings.

Last edited: 11/04/2024

Before you get started

Choose the right tree to plant

Some trees are poisonous to chickens, so start by choosing one that is safe. Look around your area to see which trees thrive in the local soil. You could also grow fruit trees - chickens will enrich the soil with their droppings.

It is worth contacting the Woodland Trust to see if they offer any trees for free in your local area. Trees are best planted dormant between November and March.


Planting your trees


Positioning and planting

Planting trees close to one another will provide a larger space for chickens to feel safe as a group.

The Woodland Trust has a few different strategies you can follow to plant trees here.



Chickens will feel safer living among trees and will have additional protection from the sun, wind, and predators such as hawks and buzzards. Leaf litter also gives chickens a great opportunity to scratch around for insects!

Planting trees that produce food will also improve food security for people in local communities.


Receive your certificate

Take a photograph showing us your newly planted trees. We would love to see chickens using their trees, but don’t force the situation and turn any camera noises and flashes off.

Upload the photograph below to receive your certificate. Share your work to inspire others and celebrate what you have achieved.

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