RSPCA Shop Education
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Conversation starter dice

This activity is a fun and easy way to get talking with young people! By rolling the dice and answering the questions, you’ll have a chance to learn more about their thoughts on animals while sparking some interesting conversations.

A young girl talking to a parent on a couch


  • 1 Get the dice ready – Help the young person cut out the dice and stick it together so it’s ready to go.
  • 2 Roll the dice – Take turns rolling the dice and answer the question that comes up.
  • 3 Chat about the answers – Before you share your answer, ask the young person what they think! This is a great chance to explore their ideas and keep the conversation flowing.
  • 4 Keep rolling – Roll the dice until you’ve answered all the questions, and enjoy the discussion along the way!


What are the 5 welfare needs?

The right kind of food and fresh water, The right place to live,  To behave normally, To have the company they need, To stay healthy.

Is wildlife protected by the law?

Wild animals are protected from harm in the UK by various laws. One of the key pieces of legislation is the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981.

What does the RSPCA do?

We're here to promote kindness to animals by raising awareness and being a voice for animals. We rely on your support to push for better laws for animals. We investigate and intervene when animals have been harmed, making sure that animals are treated with compassion and respect. When animals are in need, we rescue, rehabilitate, provide top veterinary care, and find them new homes or release them back into the wild.

Which law prevents unnecessary suffering to animals?

Animal Welfare Act 2006

Is wildlife protected by the law?

Sentience means being able to feel things like happiness, pain, or distress. Research has shown that many animals, including crustaceans, can feel these emotions too

What should you think about before getting a pet? 

Can you fulfil the 5 welfare needs? Can you afford the animal and the vet care they may require? Think about their specific requirements, can you meet them? E.g. can you walk a dog daily? Who will look after the animal if you go away? Do you have time to care for them? Do you live in a suitable environment? Are you prepared to care for them for their whole lives?